A good soil fertility plan starts with a good soil sample. At AgronomyRx, we have a valued partnership with SoilView, a company that focuses and specializes in soil sampling. They have an experienced team that is very efficient at getting the soil samples pulled, as well as having the tools and technology to ensure the samples are getting pulled correctly every time.
There are many good soil testing labs across the country, but it's important for us as agronomists to stay consistent in what lab we work with so that we have a good understanding of the data. AgronomyRx has been working with Midwest Labs since AgronomyRx was founded, so we have a large database of soil samples from one lab to reference. Midwest Labs has been timely in processing samples and getting the data back to us as quickly as possible.
When you soil sample with AgronomyRx, you will get the following data back with each soil sample: pH, BpH, Bray P1, Bray P2, P Olsen (only on high pH samples), K, Zn, S, Ca, Mg, Na, OM, CEC, and Base Saturations. We are also starting to look at testing for micro nutrients such as B, Cu, Fe, and Mn. Since we are focused on soil health, we have some growers who are starting to do some soil health testing.