Before any good practitioner makes a diagnosis, he assesses his patient’s current vital signs. Agronomy Rx harnesses the power of Global Positioning Systems to accurately map grid sample points for a full panel of soil tests. Results from soil tests are coupled with soil type maps and harvest map data to provide a composite picture of the overall health of the soil.
With grid sampling, soil type, and harvest maps in hand critical data are compiled into a report for the producer’s review. Together, the partners in production review the findings for each field and formulate a workable solution for the coming growing season. Like each patient, each field has its own unique fertility requirements. Balanced nutrition is essential not only for healthy people, but also for healthy, vibrant soils.
Soil pH, nitrogen, micronutrients, seed variety, population…all variables in the grand equation that can equal optimal yield. Agronomy Rx provides prescriptions deliverable right to the tractor, shared with cooperatives electronically, or shared with the producer via cloud services. With the power of site-specific application, the producer has the capacity to apply the right dose of treatment to the exact acre in need of remedy.
Anhydrous has been applied, fertilizer spread exactly where it was needed, quality seed accurately placed in warm spring soil…the work was planned; the plan is working. However, neither the producer nor Agronomy Rx is done-they have only just begun. Crop scouting services and comparative data are collected throughout the growing season leading up to the day the grain lands in the bin. Harvest data is added to the field profile, adding an annual chapter in the medical record of the field. Agronomy Rx is committed to the long-term success and health of the farm; harvest data is compared to previous years, fall fertility recommendations are prepared, the cycle continues.
We borrow our land from our children. Agronomy Rx is committed to leaving the land in a better state than it was when we came to it. While we have long understood conventional agronomy, we are now taking a closer look at the microsphere that resides within the soil profile: billions of microorganisms living within the depths of the rootzone.
With a greater understanding of the biology occurring around the root, we can begin to put beneficial microorganisms to work. Picture this: as the root pushes through the soil, layers of that root are abraded off-providing a food source for bacteria nearby in the soil. While some bacteria are harmless-or even helpful-others might damage that root, and inhibit growth. Consider the potential when beneficial microorganisms surround the root and pave the way for root growth. Agronomy Rx is now partnering with several companies who provide new technology through innovative products to help manage soil health.
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Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed